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E205: Haunt Design Kit

For complete show notes, visit:

This is the first episode of the 2015 vendor roundup, a mini series highlighting haunted attraction vendors from around the world. Listen to stay informed on new products, services, tips, innovations for 2015- AND GET INSPIRED!

Joining us today is Tyler Barnett who runs HauntDesignKit.com, the leading resource online for all things haunted houses; it is the go to resource for haunted house design when it comes to software. HauntDesignKit.com has also recently added an Educaton Center, which is accessible for free!

As a special gift to our listeners, Tyler put together a FREE tip sheet “Top 5 Mistakes To Avoid When Designing Your Haunt,” which you can have emailed to you by texting “HAUNTDESIGNKIT” to 33444 or by visiting: www.hauntedattractionspodcast.com/hauntdesignkit

Discussed in this podcast:
The history of HauntDesignKit.com
HauntDesignKit.com has been active for 3 years and is run at cost
Tyler designed the site to offer convenience & education to haunters

Products and Services offered by HauntDesignKit.com
Affordable product downloads from wall panels to finished haunted houses
Private haunted house design consulting
The Haunter Education Center (Free)

The Haunter Education Center
A FREE resource for haunters.
The Center contains educational material from the largest industry experts on design, business, marketing, scares, audio, and lighting.

What is next?
Tyler will be focusing on improving the free marketing education to help haunters scale their attractions.

HauntDesignKit: http://www.hauntdesignkit.com/
Haunt Education Center: http://www.hauntdesignkit.com/#!education-members-home/c1ss8
10 Haunt Social Media Mistakes: http://www.hauntdesignkit.com/#!10-haunt-social-media-mistakes/c5vw
“Shareology: How Sharing is Powering the Human Economy” by bestselling author Bryan Kramer: http://www.amazon.com/Shareology-Sharing-Powering-Human-Economy/dp/1630473847
Scarehouse: http://www.scarehouse.com/
Tyler’s FREE Tip Sheet: http://www.hauntedattractionspodcast.com/hauntdesignkit
Dr. Margee Kerr’s new book “Chilling Adventures in the Science of Fear:” http://amzn.com/1610394828
Charles Barnett on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/charles-t-barnett/47/527/25a
Charles Barnett’s Website: http://www.charlestbarnett.com/
HauntDesignKit on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hauntdesignkit
HauntDesignKit onGoogle+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+TylerBarnetthauntdesignkit/about
HauntDesignKit on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/nightgoretb
Twitter: @HauntDesignKit