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Jan. 29, 2020

[Haunt Weekly] - Episode 216 - HAuNTcon 2020 Recap

[Haunt Weekly] - Episode 216 - HAuNTcon 2020 Recap

HAuNTcon 2020 is in the books and what a weekend it has been. There was much education to be had, parties to attend, drinking to be done and, most importantly, haunt fellowship to be had.

As amazing and chaotic as it was, we're going to try and recap...

HAuNTcon 2020 is in the books and what a weekend it has been. There was much education to be had, parties to attend, drinking to be done and, most importantly, haunt fellowship to be had.

As amazing and chaotic as it was, we're going to try and recap it all in under an hour. Impossible you say? That's because you're right. But it won't stop us from trying.

We're sorry to anyone we forgot but our brains are mush and our bodies are exhausted. Thank you for your patience with us!

This Week's Episode Includes:

Conference Reminders
A Quick Update on Our Haunt
Thursday (The Bus Tour)
Friday (Classes and Haunt Visit)
Saturday (Our Class)
Sunday (The Day of Not Rest)
Monday (The Aftermath)
All in all, whether you were at HAuNTcon or not, this is an episode you do NOT want to miss!